Clear Direction

I am here to help you find your focus and your path to achieve what you are designed to do next

Looking Forward

Understanding our past is important for context. However, focusing on a hopeful future is key to finding success.

History has always taught us what we should have known, and if we don't learn from it we are doomed to repeat it. 

I can help people find these lessons. 

I also can help people take what they have learned and apply it to a solid plan for their future. 

Removing limiting beliefs and removing fears can really clarify you vision for your future. I know how to help you find that clarity.

Check It Out
Looking Forward
Looking Forward

Leadership, Life, Small Business Marketing

Ready to grow?
I can help, and my purpose is to teach and help others.

Your success is my success!

I am ready to sit on the same side of a table with you to approach whatever challenge is in front of us, together!

Ready to get started? I can't wait!

Check It Out


Directly from people I have coached

"Matthew continues to help me see my capabilities by instilling belief in my skills. He helps me understand root issues that have held back my growth by talking through why I may feel or see a situation that way. By understanding why I approach these situations, he then helps me focus on how to resolve these blocks in my mind. He has an amazing ability to follow up on previous planned solutions to ask how it went and how it made you feel. With the help of Matthew, I believe in my knowledge and skills again, giving me the power to take any challenge on. He's ignited confidence in myself to not only approach hard conversations from an understanding perspective; I now know that I can achieve any of my goals by believing in myself."



"I have worked with Matt for the past year. He has helped me to gain confidence in my abilities to become a servant leader. He not only displays these qualities himself, but also consistently provides guidance and direction on how to develop these qualities. He has provided me with methods to overcome stressful relationships. He has also, helped mold my mind to stay solution focused instead of problem oriented. Matt is extremely personable, trustworthy and has the ability to connect with others quickly and as a result is able to guide people regardless of what stage they are in."


Associate Manager

"Matt has been one of the best leaders and mentors in my career. We worked together one-on-one to develop my leadership and influence skills. He was always willing to set aside time for me to discuss my strengths and help me to positively impact those around me. His coaching helped me to understand my leadership style, and how I can best apply it in both my professional and personal life. His guidance has since helped me remove obstacles for people around me so that they can achieve their goals and be successful in whatever it is that they're working toward. His supportive leadership is the yardstick that I've measured myself and all managers I've worked with over the past 5 years of my career. I couldn't speak more highly of Matt's coaching and leadership skills!"


Marketing Manager

"“What do you see yourself in five 5 years ?” A simple question, but not one anyone- including myself- had asked of me prior. As a leader- Matt Kelley sent me on a path of discovery and growth, helping me to become the leader I am today. Through a combination of patience, insight and humor-He captured my imagination. Matt challenged me to strategically think ahead- and consider what I wanted from my career path - and this has propelled me on a never-ending quest to be better than I was the day before. It’s not always a linear, progression, sometimes it’s one step ahead and many steps back- but it is always a path of forward motion. Let Matt help you on your journey- as he has me, and so many others to become the best and most productive version of you. "


Team Supervisor

Sometimes life throws you a curveball

As a Certified Life Coach, I am here to help you journey through the change into what is next for you in life.

We can find a focus that emerges into success.

The dream you have been thinking about doesn't have to stay a dream. I can help you bring your dreams into reality!


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